Amazon joins race quantum computer new

‘Amazon joins race for quantum computer with new Caltech center’ | Jeff Pooley

Aug 25 by Kajilkis

Amazon is not the first to launch a quantum cloud service either. Simone Severini, the company's director of quantum computing and a professor at University College London, says Amazon is working on quantum hardware, but declined to provide details. But he thinks that with Amazon acting as a front-end, more people will gain experience with quantum computers. Contact Information E. Amazon says it has tested programs that involve two different quantum processors and conventional computers, all working together. Microsoft, whose cloud computing business ranks second behind Amazon, became the first company to announce it would offer access to multiple forms of quantum hardware last month. Both claim this model fits better with how the tech industry works, because customers need flexibility. Quantum Jobs Zone Post jobs for free. He said Caltech would also benefit because academics need the deep pockets of industry to scale up quantum machines. Enter your email address to get started.