Big win quantum computing was error

Microsoft's Big Error In Quantum Computing — Quantum Zeitgeist

Oct 15 by Mezuru

Born in a cowshed in India, Siddhant now works for Meta in California. He has identified five diagnostic signatures of Majoranas. Rivals IBM and Google had already built impressive prototypes using more established technology. Outright fraud is at least 10 times rarer than self delusion by my quick tally over 14 years of looking at companies, I don't see any reason why the academic world would be substantially different. The only way to do that currently is by building massive computers "the size of an entire room," which can fit all the hardware and electronics and cooling systems. Sergey Frolov, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh, immediately spotted a few problems in the paper. These so-called topological qubits would be built around unusual particles, of which Majorana particles are one example, that can pop into existence in clumps of electrons inside certain materials at very low temperatures.