New quantum receiver to detect radio

Quantum-enhanced radio-frequency sensing

Dec 29 by Vuzahn

The Rydberg sensor uses laser beams to generate highly excited Rydberg atoms immediately above the microwave circuit, to raise and hone the portion of the spectrum being tested. The new technology could in future form the basis of ultra-sensitive 5G receivers for use in very low power passive mobile networks. If no Additional Outcomes are identified in the Challenge Notice, text entered in this section will not be considered. Responses should include: key tasks estimated cost for materials human resources project risks and mitigation strategies Note: A more detailed proposal will be requested if selected to participate in Phase 2. Army illustration The Rydberg spectrum analyzer has the potential to surpass fundamental limitations of traditional electronics in sensitivity, bandwidth and frequency range. Fail The proposed solution is articulated as out of scope for the challenge. OR The proposed solution is poorly described and does not permit concrete analysis. A member of the implementation team can have more than one role. Materials provided by U. Demonstrate how the project implementation team has the required management and technological skill sets and experience to deliver the project plan for Phase 1 by completing the table.