Nv diamond quantum computer

Nitrogen-vacancy center - Wikipedia

Feb 14 by Dogor

In the video, Tim explains that NV centers are promising candidates as nodes in a quantum network, if only because of the relatively straightforward optical way we can connect the electron spins between two nodes. The NV defect Imagine a perfect diamond lattice of repeating carbon atoms. Related Stories. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. By using a complex sequence, they can locate the position x,y,z-coordinate, that is of 27 nuclear spins around the NV center with sub-angstrom precision less than 0. This balance between control and interaction is the fine line quantum scientists are having to traverse. One such imperfection is the negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy denoted as NV defect see box below. Whereas Condor uses a fixed-coupling architecture to connect its qubits, Heron will use a tunable-coupling architecture, which adds Josephson junctions between the superconducting loops that carry the qubits.