Quantum computer at google

Sycamore processor - Wikipedia

Jun 3 by Mur

Google quantum computer Google's quantum computer uses channels of coaxial cable to communicate with its qubits. Ryan Babbush , William J. Quantum computers like Sycamore are not better than classical computers at anything yet, with the possible exception of one task: simulating a quantum computer. Download as PDF Printable version. By Andrew Nartker. Neil Savage is a freelance writer based in Lowell, Massachusetts. Pumping the system with microwaves flipped up-pointing spins to down and vice versa. Sycamore is a quantum processor created by Google 's Artificial Intelligence division. You can't buy most quantum computer components off the shelf, so Google designs and assembles them, including its Sycamore chip. Weber is the Sycamore processor that was used in our beyond-classical experiments published in Nature in