Quantum computer makers their odds progress

Quantum computer makers like their odds for big progress - CNET

May 13 by Malashicage

Key insight 1: Rapidly accelerating the development timeline for a commercially viable quantum computer requires a fundamentally different approach. At the Q2B conference this month, quantum computer makers Google , IBM , Honeywell , IonQ and Xanadu detailed specific steps they expect by that will push their machines further down the road of commercial practicality. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Qubits are easily perturbed by outside forces, but error correction is designed to overcome the finickiness of individual qubits. But the hope is that such chips, ultimately linked together with quantum-friendly fiber-optic or microwave connections, will open the path toward distributed, large-scale quantum computers with as many as a million connected qubits. Mariana Iriarte Contributing Editor. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Maybe will be later. Think Beyond Ones and Zeros.