Quantum computer solves decadesold problem million

How Quantum Computing Will Change the World

Apr 4 by Gole

According to theory, millions of qubits can be realized with such an architecture. The scalability is one of the greatest challenges in the development of future devices. Forgot Password? He is a future tech strategist who thinks about how emerging technologies change organizations, society and the metaverse. Their overall goal is to integrate parts of the control electronics directly on the chip. Therefore, companies should embrace quantum computing, or at a minimum, obtain an understanding of the technology, to stay relevant in their respective industries. Story Source: Materials provided by Forschungszentrum Juelich. Build Unlock your quantum skills and start building quantum applications today. We mainly need quantum computers to solve complex problems that we cannot solve with a classical computer. And a quantum chip cannot have millions of inputs and outputs -- a modern classical chip only contains about of these.