Quantum computing problem

Quantum computing - Wikipedia

Jun 21 by Keshicage

An MZM qubit can no more suffer a random error than you can separate the links of a chain without cutting them — the basic principles of topology, the mathematics of shape, protects against it. You can never reveal it by interrogating one of them. So we struggle to figure out the best algorithms for performing meaningful tasks. Correction: September 30, Some captions in the original version of this article misidentified the scientist who provided the photo as being the leader of the laboratory where the photo was taken. Contact Author s Lindsey Valich lvalich ur. Because of these and other hurdles, the field of topological quantum computing has entered a period of self-reflection, if not outright crisis. Today, the firm has over 60 functioning quantum computers—more than the rest of the world combined—and a roster of collaborators that include titans of practically every industry from Exxon-Mobil to Sony. Interpreter Middleware Virtual machine Operating system Software quality. Topics in Applied Physics.