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The Stock Market Dreams of Quantum Startups Are Decohering - Business News

Jul 25 by Tejind

The Verge : Facebook shares two annotated internal research docs about Instagram's impact on teen mental health, after being notified of WSJ's plans to publish the docs. Brightspot : Is your CMS solving your content problems, or creating new ones? But we know he knows what finstas are cuz he just told us! Here's Why And What You Can Do about It — From inflation issues to rock-bottom retention rates: get the latest industry updates and see how high-growth teams are preparing for Associated Press : Past storms haven't fazed Facebook. The senator himself gets the gist of the problem but mistook a common user practice for an actual Instagram feature. I've never had a company ignore so many standard reporting emails. And although companies such as Volkswagen are experimenting with quantum computing, the product and demand are not yet well established. It also comes in DoH! I used to have to wait for Chinese govt censors, or censors employed by Chinese companies in China, to do this kind of thing.