Quantum theory of raman effect

Quantum and Classical Raman theory - Romanian Database of Raman Spectroscopy

Nov 5 by JoJomi

Go back to previous article. Finally, we could establish a much better basis for determining selection rules for vibrational transitions in the Raman effect, if we consider the properties of the vibrational transition polarizability components, rather than the derived prolarizability tensor components. Raman scattering is most easily seen as the change in frequency for a small percentage of the intensity in a monochromatic beam as the result of coupling between the incident radiation and vibrational energy levels of molecules. The intensity of anti-Stokes relative to Stokes Raman scattering decreases rapidly with increase in the wavenumber shift. Diagrammatic representation of an energy transfer model of Rayleigh scattering, Stokes Raman and anti-Stokes Raman scattering. Second, the molecule can relax to a real phonon state and emit a photon with less energy than the incident photon; this is called Stokes shifted Raman scattering. We will consider the zero order term which accounts for the Rayleigh scattering part first. We are now able to find out the conditions which have to be satisfied if the transition moment is non-zero. These conditions are a result of the properties of harmonic oscillator wave functions.