Quantum thinking

What is an example of quantum thinking? - Quora

Feb 26 by Meztishakar

Diamond had expected to find these, because she had done research with rats and found high glial cell concentrations in rats who had been given super-stimulating environments Wenger and Poe, , pp. This is the paradigm of Universal Schooling — an educational system based on national standards and efficient, cost-effective assessment in the form of multiple-choice, number two pencil exams. Einstein was later expelled from high school and flunked his college entrance exam. Wayne Michael Wayne P. Brainstorming is meant to exist in any individual or group situation where new ideas are necessary — in other words, in virtually any situation under the sun, or moon, for that matter. Our own lives often feel uncertain and unpredictable. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. Developmental psychologist Howard Gardner has proposed the theory of Multiple Intelligences to explain these nuances.