Unusual quantum state matter for

Unusual quantum state of matter observed for the first time

May 9 by Doujind

Pure states are also known as state vectors or wave functions , the latter term applying particularly when they are represented as functions of position or momentum. Thus: Quantum mechanical measurements influence one another , and the order in which they are performed is important. The result: a frustrated magnet. The blog has to date followers on the blog, its Facebook Fan page and Twitter. Two electrons can align their spins, but a third will always be the odd one out, destroying the delicate balance and creating a constantly switching jumble of agitated electrons. If you can control the diretion in which electron spin rotates and the magnetic flow you can develop a new propulsion system that can be used in any application not just arial vehicles using the quantum intanglement and spin polarization and frustrated magnet you could vertualy make or move any object regardless of the weight basically making anything capable of flying a zero gravity formula. Ross and B.