Concept verifies physics could enable quantum

Proof of concept verifies physics that could enable quantum batteries - Earl's Astro Site

Jun 21 by Zulkim

Quantum mechanics treats time as absolute, but general relativity messes with the ticking of clocks, complicating the notion of change from one moment to the next. What caused information based syatem for universe for the start? Vladimir Putin was blacked out by a potential 'major hack' across Russia while delivering his state-of-the-union speech today - as a message on blank …. He is one of the leaders of a research program that is trying to break free of many fundamental assumptions in quantum theory and general relativity, not just unitarity. Quantum batteries could one day revolutionize energy storage through what seems like a paradox — the bigger the battery, the faster it charges. Or is it just us? As space grows, how can the Hilbert space of possibilities not grow with it? But knowing the specific isometric rule, you can see that such a state has no parent state. But the quest has run up against thorny paradoxes.