Gaming on a quantum computer

What would gaming be like using quantum computers? - Quora

Oct 19 by Moogugore

Until a few years ago, experimental quantum computing was something that you could only do if you worked in one of the right labs. Things get trickier when we run the game on the real device. In , Wootton and his colleagues built a version of Battleships that ran on a quantum computer. The weighting of the superposition determines the probabilities of each outcome. He says that game developers often prefer to use inferior techniques because they are easier to work with than more complex ones that theoretically deliver better results. Each time, it is the number of quantum bits, or qubits, that grabs the headlines, but figuring out how well the qubits work, and what they might be useful for, is not as easy to quantify. Quantum computing promises to exponentially speed up and optimize those searches.