Quantum physics vs quantum mechanics

What is the difference between quantum physics and quantum mechanics? - Quora

Sep 15 by Dousar

In Germany, physicist Werner Heisenberg accomplished this by developing "matrix mechanics. While quantum mechanics was constructed to describe the world of the very small, it is also needed to explain some macroscopic phenomena such as superconductors [81] and superfluids. Furthermore, versions of the experiment that include detectors at the slits find that each detected photon passes through one slit as would a classical particle , and not through both slits as would a wave. Jump to: How is it different? In the decades after the formulation of quantum mechanics, the question of what constitutes a "measurement" has been extensively studied. University of California, Riverside. A First Course in String Theory. In the case of time, then, the jury is still out. Defining the uncertainty for an observable by a standard deviation , we have. Archived from the original PDF on 25 November