Working quantum computer

How Does a Quantum Computer Work? - Scientific American

Jun 4 by Kilmaran

Mobility and transport Companies like Airbus use quantum computing to design more efficient aircraft. With headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. Nonetheless, we thought it interesting to include. Nord Quantique is developing bosonic codes implemented with superconducting circuits, as bosonic systems naturally provide a richer encoding space, making it a lot easier to prevent noisy interactions to impact the system and produce errors, thus preserving quantum information. Subscribe Now You may cancel at any time. More formally, any quantum computer can be simulated by a Turing machine. Few understand what a quantum computer can do, or what differentiates it from classical computers. Technology companies like IBM, Microsoft and Intel have developed quantum simulators and processors that can be accessed through avenues like purchase or special memberships. We live in the age of technology, but there's still plenty to come. However, the use of error correction brings with it the cost of a greatly increased number of required qubits.