Quantum technologies

Quantum Technologies in a nutshell - Quantum Technology

Jun 11 by Voodoolabar

By continuing your browsing on this site, you agree to the use of cookies. All this leads to extremely high cost, and impractical design [ , ]. This superposition state creates a practically infinite range of possibilities, allowing for incredibly fast simultaneous and parallel calculations. This motivates the development of quantum-safe cryptography, that is, encryption methods that quantum computers could not break. Realising quantum computing capability in Europe on a decade-long timescale will require synergy between industrial and academic partners, as well as involvement of engineers from institutes like Fraunhofer, IMEC, VTT and LETI in multidisciplinary consortia. Sections 5 and 4 concern national security and defence issues. Regulations could also cause interindustry variations in the uptake of quantum technology.